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This software is a special repository for lemmas of the Young people Language, constructed for scientific research in this field. All visitors can submit new lemmas in the dbase after a simple registration. Every lemma is always accompanied by the full name of its author. The validity of a new lemma submission is checked for its accuracy (e.g. description and other supporting data) by a Lexicographical Committee and is related with its existence, its documentation, its correctness, and its reasonable and adequate support in connection with the contemporary reality.
ATTENTION! This dictionary is slang-type, which by definition contains entries of Language Usage registered by their authors and in an objective manner uncensored. In any dictionary, even in general lenguage dictionaries, are included words or phrases that may be considered "obscene". Since access to a dictionary is an option and not an obligation, anyone who does not feel comfortable with this vocabulary may choose to do not have access. In any case, the visitor is advised to use the dictionary only if he/she is an adult.
Editor-in-chief: Dr. Anna Iordanidou, Dr. Georgios Xydopoulos - Analysis-Design-Programming: Christos Panagiotakopoulos
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